What is Eurospital ?
The Eurospital Football tournament (European Health service workers) was started back in 1993 by employees of C.G.O.S. – Pas de Calais – Picardie, France, as a means of bringing together European Health Care workers. Socially and competitively and thereby assisting Communications between similar occupational groups.
It has grown to an annual, friendly event and also reunion of some 350 European Health Service workers where delegates of 15 countries participate and meet.
Winning the tournament is not the most important thing, important are socialization and participation between north, south, west- and eastern European Health service workers.
From cook to doctor, all professions and what is the greatest charme of Eurospital.
The slogan ‘Sport conciliates‘ fits very well to the character of Eurospital’ and as shown in the logo: Respect Friendship Passion, is what it is all about .